Welcome - If this works out, then this will be a blog of positive thoughts, fun and inspiration. I welcome your input and invite you to share things you find inspirational. However I reserve the right to post only things that fall within the intent of the this blog.
May your day be filled with love, laughter and happiness.
If you would like to share something here then please email me at thehalffullglass (at) amnet (dot) net (dot) au
In a world that is full of stress and negativity is taking the time to smile at someone too much effort? I sort of hope that for every smile I give someone they might pass it on to someone else because just maybe it makes them feel better. I'm probably being really naive but wouldn't it be nice to have a smile chain-letter (so to speak). A bit like the ripple effect before you know it there is a tidal wave of smiling people - could it be that easy?
So I am setting a weekly challenge to anyone who wants to accept it, how about you pass on a random act of kindness, friendship or caring or even something as simple as a smile to a stranger this week.
It may be just complimenting someone else on their smile, or their service to you, or may be how a certain colour they are wearing suits them and makes their eyes sparkle.
Just some small thing that you normally wouldn't do on a daily basis.
I would love to know how it makes you feel and what sort of response you get from the person you shared this random act with.
We all get so caught up in our own journeys that the blinkers are on and we fail to see what it around us, sometimes the simple act of acknowledging someone else can make not only our life journey better but theirs as well.
Will you take on the challenge?
There is a philosophy on how people look at life - the glass half full or the glass half empty. The first supposedly means you see life more optimistically than the second which is viewing the world more pessimistically.
For those of you who may have read my other blog (menopausalmumma) you would hopefully know that I try to see the glass as half full all the time, don't always succeed, but certainly try.
I have for a while been thinking about having a blog that shares a positive view on life and helps us focus on things that can inspire us and brings us joy. I very rarely watch the news anymore or read the paper as I find they are mostly full of stories without hope - and I believe in these time of struggle we all need hope in our lives. Hence the name of this blog and the intent behind it - to bring some fun and positive inspiration to others to help everyone see the glass as being half full. It just needs to start with one person feeling happy and they can ripple it on to others. If 100 people feel good it can ripple out to thousands.
So if you have something in your life or something you do that inspires you or makes you feel good, or you come across a story that makes you feel there is hope in this world, you can email it to me at thehalffullglass@amnet.net.au and I will happily post it here so that together we can inspire others. I may also just have links to other people's blogs if they have a post that I find inspiring, uplifting, funny or zany.
I really feel that if we can try and see the good in all things - even if we have been hurt or disappointed badly there is a lesson that life can teach us - we can survive or we can choose to let life victimise us - what will your choice be? I choose to be a survivor because I deserve to have a life full of good things and I believe that you do too.