Welcome - If this works out, then this will be a blog of positive thoughts, fun and inspiration. I welcome your input and invite you to share things you find inspirational. However I reserve the right to post only things that fall within the intent of the this blog.

May your day be filled with love, laughter and happiness.

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at) amnet (dot) net (dot) au

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Giving Thanks - A Timely Reminder

Now I'm not sure if anyone is even reading this blog of mine, but somewhere, sometime, I hope that someone comes across this and what I write gives them some hope or inspiration or even just a good laugh at my naivety.

So this morning I am sitting at my desk looking out the window at a climbing rose that I was given by a dear friend probably 10+ years ago. This beautiful rose gets very little love and yet it has grown and thrived until this past long hot summer and suddenly one day it looked very dead. It seemed to happen overnight - although obviously that is not true - but we took it for granted and loved its beauty and the shade it gave (it is big) and admired the little pink roses, masses of them every flowering - and then suddenly one day I really looked at it and it seemed dead - brown leaves and worse still in spots leafless dry brittle stems pointing jaggedly at the sky - a little like accusing bony fingers pointing at me and scolding me for its neglect. I mourned the loss and did indeed scold myself for not making sure it had water, for not caring - I know I am busy but I neglected this beautiful plant, I took the pleasure I got from it for granted and I thought it would always be there - it has been for over 10+ years so why would it not for another 10.

Today as I look out, there are new green shoots appearing on many of what I thought were dead branches, and so I give thanks for the small amount of rain we have had, to nature for the strength of this neglected beauty, to my friend for sharing this plant with us. This weekend we will prune back those branches which are no longer viable and then I will continue to enjoy and give thanks as I watch it come back to life.

I wonder if there are other things or people in our lives we take for granted, that we don't give thanks for, and then suddenly they are gone. If it is people - unlike this beautiful rose - they can not come back from the dead. Take time in each day to give thanks for those you love and take the time to tell them of your love - don't take it for granted that they know.


  1. What a beautiful blog :)

    Sometimes it's not when the people are gone that I remember to appreciate them, it's when they are standing at my side when they sensed I needed them even before I knew myself.

    I have a friend whom I am close to, I think of her a lot and we keep in regular contact. But I really don't remember to appreciate her as much as I should until again I find her standing next to me in a time of crisis, holding me up and helping me through. I need to remember to thank her, more than just words, before she appears out of nowhere again.

  2. Thank you Donna, I'm glad that you found The Half Full Glass and that you took the time to comment and share. It is so nice to hear to have such a wonderful friend. She is certainly one to be treasured, for true friends like her are rare and precious. xxx

  3. Kakka...i was about to leave Mellisa's blog and here i saw your comment and i am glad i came here.....wonderful blog .

  4. Hi Kavita - welcome to my blog, I'm appreciate that you took the time to visit and left a comment. I hope you will come back again. I checked out your blog and it is fascinating. Cheers Karen



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